Awareness Protection Against Mortgage Relief Schemes

Monday, November 7, 2016

Another Poor Attempt to Deflect Responsibilities by Devin Benter

A consumer tonight received a disturbing email from "" (wonder why the owner doesn't put his information on this email?) trying to paint an ugly picture about me, this time digging up my past. What is this a political campaign? Let's find dirt on one another? Although my past history is public record but I don't see the relevance to what I am doing but okay. The fact still remains, Core is operating ILLEGALLY, and the lawsuit that was published just this past Friday, November 4th, 2016 (my name is also listed on the lawsuit) can't spell it out any clearer.

However, Core Advisory Group or Core Advisory Svcs? The names keeps evolving!!! Let's go with your real legal entity name, Core Advisory Group Svcs, LLC, refuses to address the problems but attempts to smear my credibility by stating, I am attempting to coerce clients in order to direct them to my new company. What new company? Show me a client that I have coerce or directed or referred to my new company or anyone else's company, then we can discuss that!

Also he mentioned once again, I abandoned the company and all the files. Really? Tell that to the enforcement agencies and lets see if they buy it. If that was the case, why wasn't all the existing customers of Core notified of the new ownership changes? Or even the new LLC changes? Where is the documents to show that transfer of ownership was executed? Oh that's right, there was no need to have a transfer of ownership if you just create another dba to resemble Core Advisory Group name.

I feel like a broken record, so I'm going to make this short. To all the viewers out there reading this and if you happened to get one of their emails, just reply back to them and ask them about the emails that Devin wrote blocking my attempt to suspend Core because he declared he owns everything and funded everything so business as usual and to avoid conflict of interest, tells everyone to not answer by Core Advisory Group but answer by Core Advisory Services. And here is what he will reply to, "I was just Mike's consultant."

Be sure to read my articles below so I wouldn't have to keep repeating over and over again. Proof is in the pudding. I present facts, not make false statements.

It seems to me the current owner of Core is getting more desperate and desperate. I totally forgot to address the "Restraining Order", I had to hear it from someone else because I was never served personally but it looks like they did sent out a sheriff to my dad's house to serve me but I don't live there. Well I looked it up and it's for "Civil Harrassment". sighs... rolling eyes... shaking head...

Oh by the way, if anyone that signed up under Core Advisory Group, LLC (I am the sole member/officer) call me at 949-229-7110. I will help you get a full refund!

Read Ohio Lawsuit:


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