Awareness Protection Against Mortgage Relief Schemes

Friday, October 28, 2016

CORE Advisory Group owner Devin Benter post his lies on

There was a complaint open by a client of CORE Advisory Group on website just a few days ago, and guess who decided to chime in? The Fabricator himself Devin Benter. I am just speechless so just read the stuff that comes out of his mouth and you be the judge of this one. I honestly think this guy has lost it. As a consumer, these kinds of behaviors from an owner of a company should give you a clear indication that maybe it is wise to steer clear from that individual(s) or company(s) and to do business elsewhere with a reputable and stable company. 

Wouldn't you agree, protecting your home holds more value to just, gamble it on someone who has no morals or principles. 

The article below that was published on  , Devin Benter goes on there in an attempt to preserve his reputation by posting a series of false allegations about me. But fails to address the complaints that was published by these clients on

You may perceive yourself as an intelligent business owner, but your actions and behaviors has deceived you.

Here below is the full article published on "" on October 25th, 2016

My name is Devin Benter and I am responding to you regarding complaints filed against Core Advisory Group. Core Advisory Group is a company that was owned by Trung ‘Mike’ Luong aka Mike Lee, aka Travis Anglar ( aka, Jason Rigor ( aka Trung Luong, Core Evidence (, &

Contracts were signed by him and funds paid by clients went to his bank account. I worked with Mike as a consultant and shared office space with him where I operated other business ventures. Mike became disgruntled about the business and essentially abandoned the files in April/May of 2016. The team in place as well as myself have tried to finish out these files that were abandoned. Things recently came to a head after Trung ‘Mike’ Luong began text blasting and email blasting his former clients telling them that Core Advisory Group (the company he owns in his name) is a scam and that there is a “consumer alert” issued against the company. He and his associates (former general manager of Core Advisory Group) (redacted) have advised clients to file complaints against me and my company and he has created a website where he has posted information in order to defame me and my family, my co-workers and this business. Additionally, they are then trying to convert these people into new clients for their new ventures, there are a few and more we are unaware of but a few of them are (redacted), and there are more that are hidden so that no one can find their information. They direct people to the website (redacted) in order to lead them to believe they are receiving free advice but ultimately when they ask to learn more they are solicited for modification services and to pay for their services (See attachment).

We have reached out to the Pompeo’s and explained the situation and provided them with a copy of the contract signed by Mike Luong and the Utah Secretary of State Paperwork showing he was the owner of the company when they signed up. We have also issued them a refund though funds were paid to Luong. There is an open investigation into Trung ‘Mike’ Luong for identity theft and data breach and a temporary restraining order has been granted against him due to his threatening text messages he has been sending to one of our co-workers and my wife. Bottom line is this is a private matter and it is unfortunate that it is being litigated online with no filter. We are trying to do the right thing and close out these files.
Colleagues in Law was a former business that I owned, which for a time utilized a third party processing center JD United/Advocacy Department to handle our files. This company also accepted files from a company called HOPE and as a result of MARS rule violations, HOPE as well as JD United/Advocacy Department were shut down. We never shared an office with this company, and were only linked to them as an affiliate who sent them files. At the time of the shutdown there was correspondence between Colleagues in Law and the FTC who decided to not include Colleagues in Law in this case and in fact, in court documents the FTC mentioned that Colleagues in Law had ran an ethical business.
Going forward, we are trying to close out these files and cases and to be there to assist consumers. We are only offering services to help develop and draft content in order to assist consumers in their disputes across various verticals and businesses.

Allow me to debunk these ridiculous allegations once again.

“I worked with Mike as a consultant and shared office space with him where I operated other business ventures. Mike became disgruntled about the business and essentially abandoned the files in April/May of 2016." - March 31st, 2016 Email from Devin

So he claimed that he was just my consultant and shared office space with me, when the truth is that, the office space we did share together was leased by Devin Benter under his company Colleagues in Law at the time and the office that I'd moved into with my staff, was at his current office in Costa Mesa, CA at 151 Kalmus Drive Bldg A, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 and later we moved to a new location at 4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 125, Newport Beach, CA. 92660. The new location was also leased by Devin Benter of Colleagues in Law. I guess I was very fortunate enough to have found a consultant who is generous enough to lease a 6600+ sq. ft. office space for me to work out of. 

He also claimed that I became disgruntled about the business and essentially abandoned the files in April/May of 2016. Now if he was just my consultant, what benefits would he have by just inheriting all the abandoned files, staff/employees? Please share with us an example of a consultant that actually inherited a company after the owner just walks off and abandons everything and that consultant just took over with no paperwork of transfer of ownership, nothing, and business as usual at the office the very next day. What a great fictional novel to write about one day.

Although it is true that on March 31st, 2016, I did request to suspend the whole operation and sit down with Devin to figure out a dissolution but according to the Orange County CA. County Clerks, office records, he had already had made his move, by creating an identical dba "CORE Advisory Group Svcs" which he added "Svcs" at the end on March 30th, 2016 a day prior to my attempt to suspend CORE. 

Orange County Clerk Recorder's Office search "Core Advisory Group"
Another note is if I was disgruntle then how come I didn't shutdown the phone system when I am the sole owner on that contract which I had signed with Fonality? Or suspend the Godaddy domain name "" & email accounts that is linked to that domain name, which was also under my name? 

When did I authorized these changes if I was the sole owner of CORE Advisory Group as he proclaims on other public blogs & public forums, and if he's just my consultant who authorized those changes? If you are going to stick to this narrative Devin, you might as well just turn yourself in because only a 10 year might believe you. And by the way I separated the final week of March 2016 so his timeline isn’t even accurate.  - March 31st, 2016 Email from Devin

"Things recently came to a head after Trung ‘Mike’ Luong began text blasting and email blasting his former clients telling them that Core Advisory Group (the company he owns in his name) is a scam and that there is a “consumer alert” issued against the company."

He claims I am text blasting my former clients that I am committing a scam on my own company? Scratching my head.

"he advised clients to file complaints against me and my company and he has created a website where he has posted information in order to defame me and my family, my co-workers and this business. Additionally, they are then trying to convert these people into new clients for their new ventures"

Defamation of Character is a term that is used to describe when false statement is written or spoken about an individual with the intent of harming or slandering their reputation. It's too bad that you feel this way but it's my ethical duty to report any illegal activities I believe you have violated. About the "Lender Dispute Resolution" program

His other allegations is that I am telling clients to file complaints against him and his company? Wait, didn’t he just say it was my company? He also claims I am converting these clients to become new clients of mine for my new ventures. I am sure everyone that I've spoken to directly can attest that, not once have I ever mentioned about soliciting, nor have I ever referred them over to anyone so once again his allegations are clearly false. To be clear, I DO NOT refer or recommend anyone to any service. I challenge him to find a physcial person, not a made up person, to say otherwise. Normally people come to see the circus, not join them.

"We have reached out to the Pompeo’s and explained the situation and provided them with a copy of the contract signed by Mike Luong and the Utah Secretary of State Paperwork showing he was the owner of the company when they signed up."

He claimed that he had reached out to the Pompeo’s to explain the situation and provided them a copy of the contract signed by me and the Utah Secretary of State Paperwork showing I am the owner of the company. So I reached out to Mrs. Pompeo today to see if this was true and she replied back stating no such contact has ever been made. Another LIE! However, I'm grateful after our many efforts, they have finally received a full refund, which they clearly deserved. Read Complaint

Mrs. Pompeo emailed me back today 10/28/2016 to confirm, no contact was ever made to them by Devin Benter.
My signature is on every CORE Advisory Group, LLC service agreement prior to March 31st, 2016 so there’s no secret there, good one! By the way I've written on this site and stated I was the original creator of CORE and sole member/officer of CORE Advisory Group, LLC and if you pay $1 on the UTAH business search website, you can actually get a copy of the Utah Secretary of State paperwork so what is his point again? 

"There is an open investigation into Trung ‘Mike’ Luong for identity theft and data breach and a temporary restraining order has been granted against him due to his threatening text messages."

Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief steals your personal information, such as your full name or social security number, to commit fraud. 

If this was true, why isn't the police pursuing to arrest me, after all, "Identify Theft" is a serious crime. And this temporary restraining order that he is referring to, more like a gag order to stop me from exposing the TRUTH! Any one can go to the court-house and file a TRO, it's another way to keep me quiet so they can continue doing their own illegal activities. 

Once, again, no laws has been broken on my part but Devin Benter seems to believe he is abiding by the law and by him posting these false allegations about me with unsubstantiated facts or proof, is a violation in itself for libel, slander and defamation of character.

Word of advice, it's better to stay quiet then go online and publicly fabricate your stories full lies and deceit. 

So once again, Devin Benter, current owner of CORE Advisory Group Svcs, LLC (I like how you just add the “Svcs”at the end of CORE Advisory Group Mr. Consultant) ignores the problem at hand and there are clients of his that was scammed out of their money and some even lost their homes and all he can think of is himself by publicly appearing online just to post fabricated lies in order to clear himself of any wrong-doings. 

It's obvious he is reading my blogs about him and seeing that there is also client's both from Colleagues in Law and CORE that posted their complaints on here so why not drop in and say hi to everyone and address those clients Devin? But instead chooses to deflect responsibilities and throws in the victim card.

Once again you've shown the public what a scum you are by not addressing these clients' complaint but instead, you use other public forums hoping that, by making up false accusations, full of fabricated lies & rhetoric, would make you look angelic? Get off your high horse and learn what real values, honesty & integrity really means. 

I honestly do not know how you sleep at night and how you face your family each day knowingly that there are victims out there that you just don't give a rats a** about. Justice will prevail. 

Please post a comment below and share with everyone your thoughts on this one.

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