So Devin Benter of CORE Advisory Group Svcs, has began preparation of changing its' company name AGAIN? Unbelievable.
*NOTE: After publication of their new name and website, today 10/21/2016 their website has been taken offline. |
Devin Benter of CORE Advisory Group already knew a year in advance what company name to change to in order to avoid detection by the authorities. This is proof he had no intentions to run a legitimate operation. New domain registered 11/30/2015 |
New website already created and launch of new company name should be coming soon and CORE Advisory Group will hang alongside with Devin's prior company he closed down, Colleagues in Law somewhere on the wall of shame.
Let's recap the name changes Devin Benter has gone through in less than 2 years. First "Colleagues in Law"
(check business profile) , closed
"Colleagues in Law" opened up
"CORE Advisory Group, LLC on May 5th, 2016 but off records utilizing Mike Luong's name to continue operating the exact same business model as
"Colleagues in Law" and on April 1st, 2016 ditched Mike Luong and went on record to open up
CORE Advisory Group Svcs, LLC as a sole owner
(check business profile), now preparing to abandon CORE branding and launch
"Consumer Dispute Group" (view website). Devin Benter will probably break the loan modification industry standards by changing company names more frequently than the traditional norm of a name change annually.
Utah Business Search reveals the new LLC created on 9/28/2016 with same Utah address 519 S. Orem Blvd, Orem, UT 84058 - View Business Search |
*Run search on County of Orange Clerk-Recorder - Fictitious Business Names: here |